Friday 1 October 2010

October City Daily Photo Theme Day: Graffiti

I am still away so this post was scheduled before I left. Graffiti is hard to come by in Versailles, except maybe at the train stations, so I thought I'd show you a different kind of graffiti: people visiting Marie-Antoinette's hamlet like to leave a bit of themselves behind... Below is what I thought was quite a nice pair of guitars spotted in a passage in Saint-Louis neighbourhood. But are they guitars? See you soon!
Je suis encore en vacances et ai programmé ce billet pour aujourd'hui. Hormis les inévitables graffitis dans les gares et sur les trains, il est assez difficile de trouver ce genre de chose à Versailles, aussi je vous montre les souvenirs que les visiteurs gravent dans la pierre au hameau de la reine. J'ai bien aimé aussi ces deux guitares vues dans le passage Saint-Louis. Mais sont-ce des guitares ? A bientôt !


  1. Anonymous1/10/10 01:35

    Interesting take of this theme day.

    May you have a good new month and Friday as well.

    daily athens

  2. Anonymous1/10/10 02:24

    I hope your trip is going well!!

    Interesting how the graffiti at hamlet is carved into the stone. I keep looking for something besides guitars, but I keep coming back to them. I'll stop back later and maybe it will dawn on me.

  3. Very interesting "old graffiti!" Let them eat cake!

    Nice posting for theme day!

  4. Very interesting indeed.

  5. J'aime beaucoup le dessin des deux guitares, superbe. Bonne "suite" de vacances a Seattle

  6. Have fun in your away time.

  7. i like the second image best it is delicate and elegant

  8. Fausse joie: j'ai cru que tu étais rentrée..
    Mimites, les petites guitares, mais les "signatures" laissées chez M.A. m'énervent un peu , je dois dire..

  9. Un petit coucou pendant ton absence.
    J'aime bien les 2 guitares moi aussi. Paris n'est pas trop loin pour trouver des graffitis :)

  10. There isn't any graffiti in the area I'm at in Michigan. Maybe there are a lot of people from Versailles in this area. That might explain why most everyone is speaking French. Mystery solved!

  11. They look like guitars to me. Your graffiti is probably some of the nicest. We don't have much here in Jackson either. Or at least not in places I am willing to go to on my own!

    Hope you are enjoying your holiday. See you soon!

  12. Your top shot reminds me of ancient graffito I found in Turkey. It was directions to the house of ill repute and though the house and the girls had long since passed out of existence, the directions to find them remained.

  13. Hope your trip is going well. Thanks for the graffiti post - very interesting.


  14. As a young child I once wrote my name on one of the inside doors at our home, some people got very upset...
    God bless you!

  15. Those two guitars are just charming. Enjoy your time away.

    Menton Daily Photo

    Monte Carlo Daily Photo

  16. Lovely! I hope you are enjoying your trip.

  17. It's an interesting concept, this "leave a bit of yourself behind"... seems to be universal. People will even carve their initials into ancient trees. I personally don't really get it. But good take on the theme, Ciel. Hope you're having a ball!

  18. What a nice surprise: a post from VDP and place where is difficult to find regular graffiti! Have a nice stay!

  19. Magnifique ! Ce pourrait être de la marqueterie : de la matière, du relief. Très autrefois, on mettait bien des empreintes de mains sur les parois des grottes mais on était moins nombreux sur notre terre.
    (J'ai, tout à fait par hasard, dégotté un graffiti historique au Petit Trianon)

  20. Knock! Knock! Is Ciel home?!

  21. Sweet and very tasteful.


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