Monday 25 October 2010

L'automne dans le Domaine de Mme Elisabeth

Autumn in the grounds of Madame Elisabeth's domain. Anyone know what these mushrooms are?
Vous savez ce que sont ces champignons ?


  1. A rather lush garden to be sure. Is that a maple tree going red? Re the mushrooms - these look very familiar; we have the same ones (or ones very similar to these)...

    I don't know what they are but I'm sure you know not to eat them... ;-)

  2. I am with Jacob. The may not be edible, but they do look interesting.

  3. I love mushrooms, portobello's are the best; the "Mushroom Capitol of the World" (Kennett Square, PA) is ~60 minutes from here and you know when you are getting close from the smell!

    Beautiful shots!

  4. I am content to let the grocer choose between the edible and poisonous mushrooms. There are wonderful wild mushrooms in the woods in this area but again, being a city boy, I will let the experts find them.

  5. I've no idea but they make for a lovely photograph! You live in a fairytale - have I said this to you before?!

  6. alors ce weekend du chocolat ? non je reconnais pas ces champignons, sans prendre de risque je dirais des champignons de paris ;)

  7. Nice shots and snappy music---oh there is smoothed out again. LOL
    Yes just stay on I-90 and you cross the columbia and see the Wild Horses and pass through George, Washington (true) and so much to see and when you get to ritzville you can turn right and head for Pendleton. YEP!!!

    I have no idea what those mushrooms are but they don't look to edible. MB

  8. Ce ne sont en tous les cas ni des girolles ni des trompettes de la mort ni des rosés des près ni des chanterelles en tuba ni des ceps ni des coprins chevelus alors ne t'y fie pas. Par contre ils sont très photogéniques et l'arbre roux aussi. Qu'est-il, le sais tu ?

  9. Je ne me risque pas sur les champignons, je m'y connais trop pas!Mais j'apprécie le charme automnal des deux photos!

  10. I don't know anything about mushrooms, but I like thst picture!

  11. 2 belles photos automnales. Je ne suis pas connaisseur en champignons mais la photo est bien belle (^^)

  12. Hi Ciel! Re your comment on Stone Creek - No, the rocks are not artificial...these are limestone dug out of the ground. The front of our house in Ocala was made out of this rock.

  13. A beautiful Fall day:a perfect time to enjoy some sautéed mushrooms.

  14. I like the light in the first photo! Very nice.

    As for the mushrooms: meat photo but I don't know what they are. Sorry!

  15. c'est des champignons qui sont là pour les photographes
    et on ne mange même plus de pellicule

  16. @ Jacob: methinks it's a Japanese tree. Certainly not a maple tree!

  17. I don't know what the mushrooms are, but they look like they made a nice bouquet for your picture. And the colors on the tree are fantastic. I love fall!

  18. Ah, pretty colors of autumn leaves and mushrooms are seldom seen in this part of the desert, but they sure look delightful in your images.

  19. I have never seen such pretty mushrooms. They look quite distinguished :)

  20. Like Bob, I let the experts tell me what mushrooms I can eat... and I adore a tasty plate of wild mushrooms. In China there are restaurants that specialize in that and oh they are superb! Nice fall photo, too.

  21. A romantic set of pictures, Autumn mood with lovely feelings!

  22. Wonderful! Love both shots.

  23. Both these photographs are so lovely, but I specially like the mushroom one. You did an excellent job composing that shot, Ciel.



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