Saturday 30 October 2010

Et il a plu

These photos were taken mid-October at the covered market. It did rain a tiny little bit, not as much as I would have expected!
Ces photos ont été prises mi-octobre aux Halles Notre-Dame. Et voui, il a plu, mais juste un tout petit peu au regard de ce qu'on aurait pu imaginer...


  1. Holy crap, if you'll pardon the expression! These are very scary photos. In Florida, we'd run and hide in the basement, except we have no basements. So we just huddle in an interior room...surely a tornado is on the way! Can't believe you got only a little rain! I think you were very lucky!

  2. Love the yellow building against that spooky looking sky. Wonderful!

  3. Those dark clouds look a little scary.... but I love the architecture!

  4. Gorgeous! I love that dark sky against the pale colors of the buildings.

  5. Un ciel de fin du monde, apres moi le deluge. Mais Versailles est toujours debout, pas de tsunami celeste, tant mieux.

  6. What a spectacular looking sky. You may have only had a bit of rain, but I bet somewhere else they had a storm. I love photos like this as they capture a moment forever xxx

  7. What a sky, luckily most of the rain was intended for elsewhere...

  8. Wow, amazing SKY and beautiful buildings!
    Have a NICE weekend!:)

  9. Oh, oh, what rich light.

  10. Whoa! It looks like a big storm coming in---a little rain was ok then. MB

  11. Mon dieu, that sky looks sinister!

  12. Awesome sky! Wonderful captures.

  13. By the looks of that sky, I would think it got a lot of rain. Great shots.

  14. Unlike Jacob, we rarely get tornado's, so when the sky looks like this, I go for my camera. Nice contrast.

  15. If the sky is like that tomorrow night, don't go outside.

  16. Hmmm! j'adore.. voir ça par ma fenetre, avec une tasse de chocolat chaud à la main! :))

  17. Hi there, In regard to your comment about the Haida sculpture. I love it too. Fascinated by the Art. I have a book of art by Sue Coleman--excellent. I have a cool color book that you could have except my g.sons found it when they were little and colored a few pages. Still it is offered---OR---mabe I will get another and send it along.
    The book is called "A Northwest Indian Colouring bood" compiled and rendered for coulouring by GA (Bud) Mintz. Potlatch Arts Ltd. Publication--Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
    I have Totem Pole --Raven and Bear-- but It is at my Mother's house right now.

  18. An interesting web page. MB

  19. What menacing clouds and sky, I love this kind of view!
    God bless you!

  20. I know I live in the "sunshine state", but I love rainy days and dark storm clouds--so long as they are harmless as were yours--and not forerunners of hurricanes or tornadoes. The top photo is just great.

  21. A very dramatic sky. We would be happy for some more rain around here!

  22. Sometimes threatening skies like these produce only short burst of heavy rain - preferable to a long period of incessant drizzle.

  23. This is my absolutely favorite kind of light, dark stormy skies in the background with the foreground lit by sun. It doesn't get more dramatic.

  24. Very dramatic. Nice.

  25. These buildings look like converted apartments.

  26. So much drama out there! Beautiful! Happy Halloween!

  27. What dramatic photos, Ciel... great capture of the sun against the ale buildings with the dark ominous sky behind.

  28. The first photo is luminous! Very well done, Ciel.


  29. Very dramatic and ominous sky. Glad its looks were deceiving.


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