Wednesday 15 September 2010

Wednesday Doorway: maison à Montreuil

A house in Montreuil. Thank you to the 51 voters who took part in the poll. By an overwhelming majority of 84%, you said that the chronology was useful/interesting. When I have a little time, I'll get round to making it better.
Merci aux 51 votants du sondage de ces derniers jours. A 84%, vous avez estimé que la chronologie que j'ai ajoutée était utile/intéressante. Quand j'aurai un peu de temps, je vais tâcher de l'améliorer et de la traduire.


  1. Beautiful blue doorway and an amazing awning. The gate is pretty nice too.

  2. Anonymous15/9/10 02:20

    Very ornate glass in that door. I like it!

    I'm discovering that more and more women want to drive race cars!

  3. Love the details of the iron fence! The stained glass in the doors are pretty, too. Is that a flower?

  4. Very romantic and elegant maison.

  5. Hardly anyone goes to the trouble of making such graceful ornament any more. Maybe we should blame Mies van der Rohe.

  6. That gate is so decorative. I'll bet it is beautiful inside.

  7. 84% un résultat de vote qui doit faire rêver plusieurs nos élus ;))) belle porte et surtout belle grille

  8. Both the gate and the door are pretty.

  9. This is a unique perspective and the ironwork is so ornate and pretty!

  10. Nice perspective with lots of pretty details.

    Smiles on your comment, but what's Pendleton Roundup?

  11. Excellent doorway. I think I want to live in a mansion. hahaha!! MB

  12. Bonjour dear Ciel!
    It's an elegant house, the doorway is charming!
    The day starts with rain here, I hope yours have lots of beautiful Sun there!

  13. I like how you framed the door with this 'screen' of wrought iron.

  14. je préfère la grille ce qui n'est pas le cas pour toutes les grilles

  15. Another lovely doorway. You really have some nice ones over there.

  16. That is one very elaborate gate.

  17. I love the gate. It's quite ornate but it suits the building.

  18. «Louis» regrets that he's missed several of your Wednesday doorways. He has little time these days to visit his friends in the blogosphere these last several weeks...

  19. Lovely and sensitive ironwork, and a gorgeous door. I love it.

    Enjoy Seattle. I am going there in about three weeks.

  20. Looks pretty and very elegant!


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