Friday 27 August 2010

Weekend Reflections: rue de la Paroisse

Back to modern Versailles today, on Paroisse Street for James' Weekend Reflections.
Retour au Versailles moderne pour les Reflets du Weekend de James.


  1. Versailles - modern or ancient - I love it! And, at the risk of repeating myself and boring you to death, I must say you are probably one of the very best "reflection" photographers I've seen!

    Great job.

    Thanks for stopping by Ocala DP. We'll be back full-time 'ere long!

  2. Excellent reflection. Love your music too.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  3. Very cool. I love these reflection shots of yours.

  4. Ah! les reflex des vitrine ou la lumière est au rendez-vous, pour chinée : je te souhaite une bonne fin de semaine.

  5. Lovely reflection. It's like looking into someones living room.

  6. Wonderful and charming. You do great reflections. MB

  7. Crazy picture IF we didn't know it was a reflection in the window.

  8. il suffit de pousser la porte du reflet pour entrer dans ce petit salon ;) beau reflet

  9. I like shop windows because you can get reflections like these and still see the objects on display...

  10. Salut chérie!
    Je suis enchanté par ce fauteuil blanc, c'est très charmant!Cette rue a de beaux bâtiments et les réflexions sur la vitrine sont merveilleux!

    Je pense que cette ville est un endroit vraiment spécial!

    *** fille, êtes-vous fou? **MDR** ;)Marlon Brando et moi?C'est très drôle!hehehe
    Tu me fais sourire ici, merci beaucoup pour égayer ma journée!Une autre chose, aujourd'hui il pleut des "chats et chiens" ici (je ne sais pas l'expression correcte en français)!

  11. Tu as toujours des vitrines pleines de choses à voir, au propre comme au reflété!

  12. Great reflections and I so want that pillow. Have a good weekend.

  13. Just lovely. I am rather attracted to that chair. Although I'd need to test it to make sure it's comfy!

  14. The new and old. There are more reflections in the decoration - each of the silver containers have one (I think I see you in the large container) and the candles sitting on the tray.

  15. Marie-Antoinette would find no fault in these.

  16. J'aime beaucoup ce décor qui à priori semble froid, blanc et noir.
    Et les formes pleines et simples du pot et du sucrier, le gris de l'étain qui reflète l'or de je ne sais quoi que j'aurais bien voulu voir aussi...

  17. I love your reflections! What a terrific capture, Ciel! And I love your music as well! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  18. Exquis salon où l'on prendrait bien son thé, pour papoter entre gens de bon aloi, des derniers clichés parus sur le Week-end Reflexion Contest de James... Très intime, très cosy.

  19. It's like the window is reflecting what might be behind the windows in the building that is being reflected. :)
    Great find!

    Carletta@Round The Bend

  20. Great buildings reflected on what seems to be a nice shop.

  21. Anonymous27/8/10 20:48

    So this is another of your blogs. Very nice. I like the reflection photo mixing the shop and lovely old buildings.

  22. Anonymous27/8/10 21:42

    Awesome reflection my friend. I really like this. :) It's like 3-D. Beautiful. Have a good one :)

  23. It's the kind of reflection I like the most:)

  24. Beautiful! You always find such beautiful windows displays mixed with beautiful reflections. This is another beauty!

  25. Thanks for visiting. I didn't know about Weekend Reflections, but checked it out and added a link.

    Nice photo from you today.

  26. I love the reflections of the buildings and I can almost see more reflections in the small metal container on the left.

  27. Your reflections shots make me want to wander the streets of Versailles - lovely work!


  28. Beautiful one!

    Happy weekend reflections.

    " Regina "

  29. A nice nook for a table for two and tea for two.

    A beautiful building reflected in your photograph!

  30. un petit coucou en passant sur une borne wifi ouverte

    pas trop difficile le boulot

    ici il fait trop chaud ;_)

    Kénavo commme on dità Paris

  31. I love the cushion in that pic!


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