Monday 2 August 2010

Chardons... ardents

On Saturday I took my Mum to the King's Veg garden shop and look what we saw! Aren't these thistles gorgeous? Anyone wanting to know more about the garden and shop can click on the 'Potager' label below. Oh, and that's Saint-Louis cathedral in the background.
Samedi j'ai emmené ma Maman au magasin du Potager du Roi. Regardez-moi ces chardons, ils ne sont pas beaux ? Ah, au fait, en toile de fond, c'est la cathédrale Saint-Louis.


  1. Nice sunny warm photo!

  2. Interesting 'pods' on the thistles, they are cool looking. I'm sure one could spend a lifetime photographing nothing but the cathedral and it' grounds.

  3. We have the same thistles here! Interesting. But ours come out back during the spring.

    Thistle me a little tune, will ya, huh?

  4. On ne s'attend pas a voir des chardons a cet endroit. Joli melange avec la cathedrale dans le fond.

  5. What a lovely garden for your and your Mum to share. Just gorgeous!

    PS THe music here is just perfect for your blog.

  6. What a lovely spot. I love the purple of the thistles, are they sharp? I don't know much about thistles and I tend to think everything is sharp since we only have cactus! :)

    PS - The picture on the door in my photo was of President Obama.

  7. belle photo, cote un peu sauvage, avec en fond la cathedrale. cela rend bien

  8. de plus en plus de plante sauvage en plate bande pour éviter de sortir les tondeuses
    une petit coup de grenelle

  9. Hi Ciel and I think it is Good Morning to you.
    I believe these plants are called Cardoon---loosely related to Artichoke not thistle. Do you think so?
    Well they look beautiful anyway. MB

  10. 4H is a club for kids 8-18. It started out for farm kids but has grown to urban areas also. 4H stand for
    Home Heart Hands Health
    And FFA stand for Future Farmers of America.
    Does that help? MB

  11. Yes, gorgeous for sure. And it sure looks like a lovely sunny day.

  12. C'est sympa, ces chardons "sauvages" dans ce cadre policé.. ça a l'air sympa, cette boutique! qu'est-ce qu'on trouve comme trésors dedans?..

  13. Tes chardons ne sont-ce pas des "envolées" d'artichaud plutôt ? L'artichaud est aussi un chardon, en bouquet sec c'est bôôôô !

  14. A y regarder de + près p'tête pas des artichauts mais du moins leurs petits frères... (T'étais pas loin de la sortie d'antan)

  15. I'm not sure but in Italian it may be cardo. The color is beautiful against the lively green.

  16. What a gentle, welcoming composition.

  17. The thistles add a gentle burst of color!

  18. Hope you and Mum had a nice time.

  19. Very pretty! Your photos always make me want to come over there and explore! I guess that's the idea, huh? ;-)

  20. I love the thistles. Such pretty flowers!

  21. What a lovely place to spend a day with Mum. The thistles look like lovely purple powder puffs.

  22. Not only the thistles are gorgeous but also the whole place seems to be!

  23. I love the contrast of the fresh thistles with the old cathedral in the background.

  24. Ok Ciel, I over stepped my boundries. If you want it to be a thistle then it is--a thistle.

    The cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), also called the artichoke thistle, cardone, cardoni, carduni or cardi, is a thistle-like plant which is member of the Aster family, Asteraceae; (or archaic: Daisy family, Compositae). It is a naturally occurring variant of the same species as the Globe artichoke, and has many cultivated varieties. It is native to the Mediterranean, where it was domesticated in ancient times.

    So I am sorry and again it is a beautiful plant. MB

  25. Nice shade of purple in those thistles. And in a garden : )

    I recently posted some here:

  26. Yes, they ARE gorgeous.
    I the backyard here they grow wild, but ours are dry already.

    Your whole shot is gorgeous.

  27. For sure it's beautiful and you did a great job with your camera, wonderful shot!
    Léia :)

  28. Yes, the thistles are beautiful. Big too!


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