Wednesday 14 July 2010

En 1789, la prise de la Bastille

Today is the French national holiday, the day the Bastille was stormed in 1789. The French Revolution had already begun and yes, the beginning had happened in Versailles with the Estates General and the Tennis Court Oath. This stone of the former prison is kept inside Lambinet Museum. I shall be on holiday for just over a week, see you soon!
En ce jour de fête nationale, voici une pierre de la Bastille, conservée au Musée Lambinet. N'oublions pas que la Révolution commença à Versailles avec la convocation des états-généraux et le serment du Jeu de Paume... Je m'en vais pour une grosse semaine sous d'autres cieux et vous dis à bientôt !


  1. Congrats and have yourself the happiest of holidays!

  2. Happy holidays and ... Vive la France!

  3. bonnes vacances et bonne fete nationale

  4. Une belle lumiere doree sur ces objets. L'ecriture a la plume est vraiment belle.
    Bonnes vacances !!

  5. Bonnes vacances. Have a great time.

  6. Interesting! I've always loved history. I've noticed that you go on holiday quite often, which I sincerely think is fabulous. But I'm wondering, is this a French thing or a Ciel thing? If it is a French thing, then I may need to be making a move... :)

  7. hee hee...
    «Louis» had his coffee roaster do a special "Bastille Blend" coffee. It has a touch of chicory in it.

  8. Pour histoire de dire que il y plus de prison beaucoup de souffrance sur ce lieu. Écriture de ce parchemin nous donne un exemple fait à la plume dans une lumière si harmonieux.
    Passe de bon congés .

  9. And a happy national holiday and a happy personal holiday! Hope you have a great time!

  10. Happy Bastille Day et Bonnes vacances

  11. Je te souhaite un bon voyage, un beau séjour et des vacances jolies et amusantes!

  12. On my first trip to Paris lo these many years ago, I learned that people really do dance in the streets to celebrate this day. What a fun experience. Happy Bastille Day.

  13. Interesting post.

    Happy vacation/holidays days to you. MB

  14. Anonymous14/7/10 09:26

    Happy Bastille Day and enjoy the holiday!

  15. Happy Batille Day, and enjoy your vacations!
    We will miss you!

  16. Here's hoping you have a wonderful holiday and a better vacation.

  17. Quand je rentre tu t'en vas.. "Ha ça ira ,ça ira, ça ira..."
    Bonnes vacances!

  18. How fitting that you should be liberated from your blogging on Bastille Day. Have a wonderful holiday.

  19. An appropriate picture for the holiday, and a nicely framed one at that! Enjoy your vacation!

  20. Happy holidays and hope you have a wonderful vacation! ;D

  21. Happy holiday and enjoy your vacation.

  22. I hope you had a nice trip, in spite of the weather...

  23. J´espère que tu aies bien profité de la fête.
    Elisa en Argentina

  24. Have a nice holiday. A great way to begin, on Bastille Day.

  25. So sad that a French rider did not win that day's stage of Le Tour this year, that would have made the holiday a little more special.

    Hope your holiday was fabulous :)

  26. Je pense à toi car je pars en Bretagne (près de Quiberon) demain pour le week-end. A bientôt !

  27. Ma propre grosse semaine a duré presque un mois ! Qd on aime on ne compte pas et 1789, ben c'était quasi hier...
    Le feu d'artifice pour moi ce fut sur le Gardon.
    Profite des embruns ou de la canicule, Ciel de Versailles, où que tu sois. Et à plus tard !

  28. Great photo. Happy Bastille Day (belated).

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  29. I'm looking forward to your photos of Quimper! (Hint, hint)

    You asked if there are many beavers around. There used to be! Beavers are one big reason the French and English sent so many trappers over here. Hats made with beaver skins were once very, very fashionable (and worth BIG bucks).


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