Friday 25 June 2010

S'il vous manque des géraniums

If you still haven't got any geraniums gracing your windows, now is the time to get them at the flower market!
C'est le moment d'aller faire vos emplettes au marché aux fleurs.


  1. We never tire of window-boxes overflowing with geraniums. The hanging sort are our favourites.

  2. Belle photo coloree prise sur le marche. Pour fleurir les balcons c'est superbe.

  3. These geraniums are so exuberant.

  4. I love geraniums, they are so dependable and happy.

  5. Oh, but they would be dead within three days here in the summer; that's why we have cactus :)

    PS - Aside from taking a few photos of Porta Johns, I agree with you, I never officially use them myelf.

  6. Oh aren't they great. I didn't use to like them but now I do and had had red ones gracing my containers. MB

  7. Non, c'est bon! j'en ai plein mon balcon! avec les tomates et les salades qui poussent à côté du basilic, c'est une vraie jungle!

  8. I have never been fond of geraniums, but these are gorgeous.

  9. J'aime la variation de couleur sur cette photo!
    Léia :)

  10. I love the colors and smells from markets. This is great!

  11. They are great for hanging baskets because they are so tolerant of people who forget to water them. Not that I know anyone who might do that. :)

  12. Nothing says summer like geraniums.

  13. «Louis'» mother would have loved this. She really enjoyed geraniums and always had some growing.

  14. Love the bright colors! I'm still deciding what I want out on my veranda this summer. So many choices... :D

  15. All the different colors make it a very beautiful picture!

  16. I bought some geraniums from a garden centre last week - alas they have died! The "guzmilla" I bought though is flourishing.

  17. Great colors to head into the weekend.

  18. I was going to say this even before I read VP's comment. This may be the one flower I hate. I think it's because they were all over Southern California, and they must have been in some place I didn't like or had to wait long hours in boredom.

  19. Question : Le fleuriste les reprend en pension pendant mes vacances ?


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