Tuesday 1 June 2010

June CDP Theme Day: Funny Signs

Okay, would you really attempt to drive through there if even there hadn't been any 'do not enter' signs? The second photo shows a hand made sign in Saint-Louis neighbourhood and roughly translates as:
'Do not park in front of the door, bicycles and large parcels come out of here, risk of scratches. Thank you'.
Vous tenteriez vraiment de passer par là s'il n'y avait pas les panneaux sens interdit, vous ? Le second panneau fait maison m'a bien fait marrer. Je l'ai remarqué dans le quartier Saint-Louis.


  1. JE SUIS LE PREMIER, c'est rare chez toi...j'aime bien le petit mot, bien vu

  2. Super theme day shots, Ciel. And yes, I would guess some idiot would try to drive through there even WITH the signs! Well, they would if they drove as badly as some of the morons we have behind the wheel in Florida!

  3. LOL!!! I think not! I still like my car.

  4. Excellent, le petit mot, hilarant !

  5. I would hope that a driver would get the hint :-)

  6. That is funny. I think the concrete barriers would have done it for me!
    We must be very serious in Tucson, I could find no funny signs.

  7. Petit mot sympathique!

  8. Excellent! I enjoyed them both. This must be a new theme. I like it!


  9. The 2nd sign doesn't look very official ... Sophie could have done a better job with the sign, non?

  10. I would be deterred by the pair of monster-eye "do not enter" signs more than the concrete barriers. I'd love to see large parcels flying out of the second entryway.

  11. The only thing missing from the first photo are bright flashing lights.

  12. Go ahead drive right through the wall--kersmash!!!

    Good find. MB

  13. I guess you'd say they're putting a fine point on the warning. Very funny.

  14. The first is really crazy, the second is great and could be here. We have a lot of these homemade signs menacing and imploring people...

  15. Sortie de Vélo? How many??? :)
    Cool post Ciel!

  16. Trop marrant!j'aime bien la menace des rayures! ça au moins je suis sure que c'est efficace!

  17. but,,,but,,.but «Louis» has an itch he can't reach with his hooves! He WANTS rayures!

  18. They are both very good choices for the theme-day!!:)
    The yellow note is my favorite!:)

  19. Je crois que le petit mot "maison" avec ses arguments vaut les 2 panneaux "sens interdit" ou un "interdiction de stationner".

    'Des rayures ! Sur ma bagnole !" ça c'est dissuasif.

    Un petit panneau comme je les aime.

  20. The word 'overkill' comes to mind with the first photo, though I suppose there is a reason they felt it necessary. I think the second sign needs to be a little larger. I'd totally ignore something that small--aging eyes and all.

  21. Ha ha. No one in his right mind would want to drive through ... but you never know. Some people just surprise you.

  22. I guess those "Jersey Barriers" are sort of redundant and funny. I like the polite and informative handwritten note better.

    Sam, feel free to use the image and text, which I originally got from Nathalie at Avignon DP. With her permission, of course:)

  23. Funny! The first sign looks like what cities put up to prevent being sued (ie: "I wouldn't have run into the wall if there had been a sign, officer")

  24. J'imagine les gros colis sur les porte-bagages des velos...
    C'est joliment et gentiment dit!!

  25. J'aime tes panneaux. C'est drole ce que les gens mettront sur leur portailles.

  26. I like the handwritten sign the best, but I must say that the 'Do not enter' signs are pretty funny where they are!

  27. I like the bottom one! :-)

  28. People are so often both un-thinking and self-centered; their convenience is ALL that matters. I run into this frequently at the market when a car will park blocking the driveway-ramp next to Starbucks ... we merchants must use this ramp to move our heavy carts from the street to the elevator. More than once one of these offenders has been "accidentally" bumped by someone's cart.


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