Sunday 16 May 2010

Dans le train, direction terminus Versailles Rive Droite

Yesterday I showed you Versailles Rive Droite train station, which happens to be the end of the line when you come from Paris Saint-Lazare. How different it must have been when the first train choochood (is that actually a word?!) from Asnières near Paris to Versailles in 1839...
Hier je vous montrais la gare Rive Droite, qui se trouve être le terminus lorsque l'on vient de Paris Saint-Lazare. Que ça devait être différent lorsque le premier train rallia Asnières à Versailles en 1839...


  1. Trains--the way to go.
    Love your photo and your choochoo as a verb.

  2. If it isn't chooing, it's chugchuging! I like how you caught the name on his shirt

  3. nice shot...I like to sit next to the window too

  4. 1839? That's older than I am!

    Re your comment on Florida Fotos...why is it that women and animals go hmmmpf when I try to take their picture?

  5. I would imagine choochood sounds much more exotic with a french accent : ) than English.

  6. Yes, I, too, like that choochooing, and the blue coat with its white 'France'.

  7. I believe the correct expression is 'chugchuged.'

  8. I prefer choochood, and I agree a French accent probably makes it sound like something exotic, while my English/American accent makes it sound like someone sneezed!

  9. Choochoo--chugchug--toottoot!!!! All good train sounds. MB

  10. J'aime bien la polémique au-dessus au sujet du bruit des trains!..1839: j'imagine que les bancs etaient en bois, inconfortables; les fenêtres ouvertes, il faisait donc froid; la suie et la fumée sortant de la cheminée, donc, escarbilles et saletés dans les yeux;le bruit, sans doute; et la lenteur pour finir; Mais je suis sure qu'ils étaient extremement excités à l'idée de prendre le train, cette merveille du progrès!

  11. Lol @ you all! VP, you're incredible!

  12. Et nous ? On ne peut pas faire tchou tchou avec les autres ?

    Tu penses à l'équipe de France qui n'éxistait pas alors , :-)

  13. NSB- trains in Norway have seriously problems!:(
    But I know the trains in France are very good and FAST., that is a long time ago.....
    Hard work to do all the work making the railway..
    I hope you have a nice weekend!

  14. We like trains, unfortunately there's almost none available for long distance travel in Brazil... We enjoy it here in Europe then! :)
    God bless you!

  15. Trains are a great mode of transportation, my favorite and reminds me of my childhood. This one looks so clean.

  16. Choo choo is often the name children use for trains, despite the fact that modern ones don't make that sound anymore; it dates back to the days of steam when you railway was built.
    Anyway I like this picture a lot :o)

  17. I think VP is right. It takes an Italian to correct my English. I would have said it was fine. It's and interesting shot and a nice composition for a train photo. I know because I've taken a lot of bad ones :) (and some good).

  18. Is there an aisle on this train? The seats look like they span the whole width.



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