Sunday 18 April 2010

Sunday Bridge Series: le pont de chemin de fer de Versailles-Chantiers

I had forgotten about this bridge, the Chantiers railway bridge! It enables what will be one Versailles' very few contributions to Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridge Series! Check out more bridges on his San Francisco Bay Daily Photo blog!
J'avais un peu oublié le pont de Chantiers, qui me permet de participer à la série des ponts du dimanche de Louis la Vache de San Francisco Bay Daily Photo! Jetez donc un oeil (ou les deux) à d'autres ponts en lui rendant visite !


  1. Excellent photo what with the darkness of the bridge superimposed on that beautiful bleu ciel!

  2. J'aime bien le fait que tu ai inclus le reverbere qui permet de revenir dans la photo.
    Bon dimanche!!

  3. I love the symmetry of bridges and this one is no exception. The blue sky's are great!

  4. Great, Ciel!
    «Louis» is posting the link now!

  5. Is it as low as it looks?

    Know what you mean. Jerusalem Hills DP is going to run out of bridges for Louis' series too. Wish we had some body of water.

    Must be fun to stand under your bridge as a train goes over.

  6. A very different Versailles today, I like the perspective view of the road beyond the bridge and the colorful passers-by.

  7. Choo choo!!! chug chug!!! there goes the train. MB

  8. Good thinking! Not all bridges are over water. :)

    My bridge:

  9. The dark bridge contrasted with lots of color, cool!

  10. Hi, regarding your comment on my smallcityscenes blog. the wind surfers were at Everett Wa. which is about 25+ miles north of Seattle in Port Gardiner Bay which is actually part of Puget Sound. MB

  11. Oops! Sorry, I mean on my day4plus blog. MB

  12. Lovely contribution! It is quite low, I guess more importance is given to the chemin de fer rather than the auto traffic.


  13. Perhaps you could find a game of "Bridge" for the theme as well?

    Nice to have your contribution to our theme day -:)

  14. il est pas d'epoque du roi soleil ;)

  15. Bridges are always an interesting theme! Your capture is great!
    God bless you!

  16. Peut-être bien qu'en cherchant un peu vous en trouverez un autre "un pont peut en cacher un autre" lol

  17. The blue sky sets off this bridge quite nicely.

  18. Je suis par certain; mais ce n'est pas ou des ouvrier habitant aux 19 siècles.


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