Tuesday 23 March 2010

Le monde est petit

Howdy folks, I'm back in business after 12 hours sleep and a day of farniente at home! It was a great trip to the Pacific Northwest and as you probably already know, I met three Daily City photobloggers! First I had coffee with Becky of Walla Walla Valley Daily Photo. We managed to forget taking a photo, we'll try to do better next time! Then in Seattle, I met Kim and Chuck, had a wonderful time at the Public Market and was given this beautiful spring bouquet by Kim -thanks again. MB of Stanwood didn't make it unfortunately, so next time, okay MB? The photos hanging on the wall behind Kim are Chuck's magnificent photos of Italy, on exhibition at the Local Color Café. Chuck, by the way, is caught shooting a series of photos, one of which you can see here. For those who are interested, some of the 700+ photos I took have started to trickle onto my other blog yesterday and my cowgirl boots (Kim and Chuck know about them already!) are also online!
Le retour ! Après une nuit de plus de 12 heures et une journée affalée à la maison, me voilà prête à affronter le quotidien ! Le voyage aux USA s'est merveilleusement bien passé et comme vous le savez sans doute déjà, j'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer des City Daily blogueurs. D'abord Becky, de Walla Walla Valley Daily Photo, on a juste oublié de prendre des photos, ce sera pour la prochaine fois ! Puis, à Seattle, j'ai rencontré Kim et Chuck. MB de Stanwood a eu un empêchement, ce sera pour mon prochain voyage dans le Nord-Ouest Pacifique. Kim m'a offert ce magnifique bouquet printanier, merci encore Kim. Les photos au mur derrière elle sont les superbes tirages d'Italie de Chuck, actuellement exposés au Local Color Café où nous nous sommes rencontrés. Lorsque j'ai pris la photo de Chuck, il était en pleine action, ce qui a donné ceci ! Pour ceux que cela intéresse, certaines des 700 photos prises aux States ont commencé à paraître sur mon autre blog. Quant à mes bottes de cowgirl, enfin acquises après 3 ans de mûre réflexion, elles sont par ici !

Before I flew out to Seattle, I was very surprised and honoured to receive the Sunshine Award from Inverness Daily Photo! Thank you very, very much, it was greatly appreciated! I have to go back to Scotland, I miss the Highlands!
Avant de partir à Seattle, j'ai eu la surprise et l'honneur de recevoir ce joli award de la part de Inverness Daily Photo. Merci beaucoup ! Il faut que je retourne en Ecosse, les Highlands me manquent !


  1. Glad you are back home safe and sound. Hope you catch up on your rest and enter back into the work week refreshed. It was a joy to meet you and your mom. Thank you for looking us up during your travels. I do not envy you now going through your hundreds of photos and trying to organize or edit them :-). I know all your captures will give you a little Pacific Northwest "fix" until you get back this way again. Love these shots of yours from our Seattle meetup. Thank you so much!

  2. Welcome back, we missed you! Great story and a wonderful photo of you with Kim. I look forward to the treasures you have captured.

  3. How fun to meet up with fellow bloggers. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Welcome home.

  4. Welcome home. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip (what's not to like about that area?) and got some shots of Kim and the Chuckster sporting some serious hardware. Looking forward to seeing your pix from Washington State.

  5. Je ne sais plus qui disait que les voyages forme la jeunesse.... Les rencontre riche en exaction émotion; si tu as la possibilité de prendre le large pour rencontrer autre culture entre les hommes; forme une certaine ouverture de l'esprit .

  6. Welcome home!! I feel so bad I had to miss out on meeting you. Darn ponies. Fencing is a way of life when you have horses.
    That said, I will be sure to meet you 'next time'. Just let me know.
    Wasn't it fun meeting Becky and then Kim and Chuck. I met Chuck in Arlington last summer. Very nice guy!!
    Have fun going through you pictures and remembering. MB

  7. Bon retour!! Je vois que tu as passe du bon temps et fais plein de belles rencontres. J'ai clique sur plusieurs de tes liens, j'ai vu aussi que tu as plusieurs autres blogs, j'irais faire un tour des que j'ai un peu de temps.
    Jolie photo du photographe en action.

  8. Lovely composition of flowers against the water.

  9. Ciel, I'm honored to have a place on your blog today. Thank You. Congratulations on your Sunshine Award ... after meeting you in Seattle I can definitely attest that this award fits you perfectly. A delight to spend time with you and great fun for me to show you around the market. Be sure to let me know when you travel to Seattle again! Best regards to your mother, and I hope the two of you enjoyed your meal at Matt's in the Market!

  10. I'm happy to see you again, although I know you wish your trip could have lasted longer. I've had such fun with your post today, following the links and even seeing a beautiful pic of the blogger herself!

  11. While we are glad you had a great time in the North West, we're also very happy you are back home!

  12. sympathique les rencontres avec d'autres Daily Photoblogers, mais le + dur est de revenir et de ce remettre a l'heure et a la vie française...

  13. Sounds like you had lots of fun. Beautiful bouquet.

  14. Great trip, complete with friends and boots. Good for you!

  15. A nice photographic ending of a nice trip and an interesting follow up.
    The bouquet is gorgeous and I like the portrait of our fellow bloggers caught in the act.

  16. Welcome home. You've been missed! So glad you had a chance to spend time with fellow bloggers.

  17. Nice to have you back!

    Glad you are rested up and ready to get back in the swing of things. I'll be checking your other blog for Seattle photos. I'll be there myself in two weeks!

  18. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. It is great to meet fellow city daily photo bloggers while traveling. You have captured them in action. Welcome back!

  19. Anonymous23/3/10 15:40

    Yay! Happy you are back!

  20. j'attends ta photo dans la galerie des glaces avec les bottes

  21. Welcome back, Ciel! Glad you had a great time!

  22. It is a much smaller world these days...so glad you had such a good time. I see that Chuck has covered his head with a nice beret (in your honor?)...he is a very fine photographer.

    Love the flowers, too. Incredible colors!

  23. So next I think you should visit the CDP bloggers in the Twin Cities of Minnesota! Bienvenue!

  24. Glad you had a wonderful and safe trip. Made me feel sad that you also were in Oregon and I am between there and Seattle and didn't get to meet you. Oh well, allergies have been killing me anyway and I would not have been good company. Next tiem you coem this way, bring "Malyss." Ü

  25. Glad to have you back, Ciel. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip.
    Maybe next time you'll visit the northeast. :-)


  26. Must have been a great trip, meeting your fellow bloggers. Great snaps of them here.

  27. So fun to recognize other great bloggers on your post! I was scrolling down and thought, why that's Chuck, and that's Kim...LOL.
    So glad you had such a good time in the area. It's so picturesque, n'est pas?


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