Sunday 7 February 2010

Volets ouverts

I thought this was rather a charming scene!
J'ai trouvé cet ensemble charmant !


  1. There's so much in this photo. I love the open shutters and the vines everywhere, then out pops the red berries on the green vine. :-)

  2. «Louis» agrees that it's a charming scene!

  3. Oui! A quick commentary on all things French - so beautiful, too...have you gorgeous red flowers blooming already?

  4. I think so, too - it's VERY charming. Maybe when I settle in after my trip to London, I'll pick up the French dictionary again and try (again) to learn some French. You may wish I hadn't.

    This old scene is tres magnifique! Blanc on blanc. . . .

  5. It is a quaint scene, but it looks like they cannot open the shutters all the way because of the drain pipe and the vines.

  6. Une facade charmante effectivement et typiquement francaise je pense.

  7. Anonymous7/2/10 06:21

    I like how the window is decorated by the exposed vining plant. It creates such nice contrast that changes from season to season.

  8. Wow, this photo is full of atmosphere and secret:)

  9. Indeed this is an interesting scene!
    Do you knonw the Georgian director Otar Iosselliani? His (french) films is what this photo reminded me of!

  10. Lovely spot, what a contrast with yesterday Dyane...

  11. C'est vrai que c'est joli, une scène simple et pleine d'histoires..
    J'aime quand les anglo-saxons trouvent ça "typiquement français"!Ü
    Bon dimanche!

  12. @ Jacob: thou mistakest a cluster of red berries for roses! ;-)

  13. Oh, yes, Ciel, it is very charming. Great capture.

  14. One could write a whole mystery novel about this scene, especially in combination with the Dyane 6 below.

    She opened the voulets and slid to the ground, just in time to elude the authorities. Knowing that an orange Citroen Dyane 6 was not the most subtle get-away vehicle, she took her chances and headed to the Pyrenees with her Catalonian lover.

    You asked about Girl Scout cookies in the USA. Yes, for $3.50 a box Girl Scouts (also known as Girl Guides) see cookies as a fundraiser. I know a girl who sells 800 boxes a year! Here is a link if you are still interested. The 30 second video is adorable.



  15. Sweet, charming and so romantic. great shot.

    Regarding the old ship on my blog. I was thinking the same as you. I think they should tow the old girl out to the Ocean and give her a decent burial. Amen!! MB

  16. Quite charming indeed!

  17. Anonymous7/2/10 15:08

    French provincial? It looks like a set I would expect to see in a movie. Nice.

    I left under your comment on my blog a reply about what I have done or not done.

  18. Could you imagine paying that much for a boat ride. LOL
    I think there is no quick fix for the sailing schooner. MB

  19. The window is closed, but the shutters are thrown open; leafless vines cascade down. The old cast iron urn waits for summer flowers.
    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  20. Very nice. I bet during the growing season you can barely see that window for the vines.

  21. A charming, lovely scene indeed! I surprised to see so much greenery this time of year!

    I'm still in love with the orange car from yesterday! I wish I could buy it and give it to one of our daughters for their 18th birthday!

  22. It is beautiful, elegant, - and I like it a lot!

  23. tout a fait charmant!!!

    bonne soirée

  24. It's adorable, great eyes,magnificent sensibility, you are very talented my dear Ciel!
    Also, it's reminds me the last scene at the movie Pretty Woman, do you remember about...I don't know the reason, it's not like USA architecture, but I think it's about the sensation of suddenly a beautiful girl will open the window for her Prince Charming! :)

  25. Muito bonita esta composição. Belissima foto. Parabens.

  26. Les volets mi-ouverts sont accueillants comme des bras qui se tendent. C'est une invitation.

  27. Was für ein bezauberndes Foto.
    Wachsen da Rosen oder was sind das für Blüten?
    Das ist ein Foto, von dem ich mir vorstellen könnte, es zu malen.
    Vielleicht werde ich Dich da noch fragen deshalb.

    Dyana...die hatte mein Bruder.
    Mein Mann und ich hatten einen 2 CV, eine Ente, die Daisy.
    War ein originelles tolles Fahrzeug mit Stoffdach und es hat soviel Spaß gemacht, wenn eine andere Daisy entgegenkam, immer der Gruß von Fahrer zu Fahrer.
    Auch unsere Daisy war Orange und hatte viele Aufkleber.

    Du schreibst, Du kannst bei einigen Blogs nicht kommentieren.
    Irgendwie ist bei Blogger dzt ein Wurm drin.
    Ich war im HelpCenter und das Problem ist bekannt, da kann man "einen Bericht senden", also anklicken und dann wissen die, noch einer.
    Vielleicht solltest Du Dein Problem auch suchen und denen melden.

    GlG und schönen Wochenstart....Luna

  28. I agree. Kind of spooky, I bet, at night.

  29. Devant j'ai cru à des roses mais ce sont des buissons ardents, haie défensive très appréciée des oiseaux en hiver, dont les baies font comme une rosette de la légion d'honneur à cette façade méritante dans son combat héroique contre la vigne vierge...

  30. I love the vine covered window. Looks like someone should pop their head out to greet you.

  31. It is a very nice scene. The curtained windows and shutters with the red flowers in the tree really make the picture.

  32. Oh so charming and oh so French! J'adore!

  33. les volets ont été rajouté car avec la gouttière c'est pas trop commode

  34. I thought I ahd left a comment here earlier but maybe I jsut waited for it to load and gave up . . . anyway, here now! What a contrast the two window scenes are!

  35. Absolut zauberhaft, es sieht aus wie eine Filmkulisse, wunderbar gewählter Ausschnitt. Das Bild löst viele eigene Gedanken aus und erzählt eine ganze Geschichte, von dem Haus, dem Garten, den Menschen hinter den Fenstern ...

    Großartige Fotografie!

    je t'embrasse



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