Monday 7 December 2009

L'église Saint-Symphorien dans ses lumières de Noël

I have shown you several inside and outside views of Saint-Symphorien church in the past, which you can see if you click on the label below. I like the elegant, soft Christmas lights!
Je vous ai montré plusieurs vues de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur de l'église Saint-Symphorien à Montreuil. La voici parée de ses lumières de Noël.


  1. De jolies lumieres pour Noel.
    Bonne semaine!

  2. Simple = elegant! Love this.

  3. Oh, yes! Like being embraced by the season of light. Beautiful, CQ.

  4. That's quite charming. The lights are elegant and the mix of warm and cool tones gets my attention.

  5. What a novel way to string lights!

  6. This is beautiful! It's all charming - the lights above making a golden glow and the Christmas lights around the pillars. From your photos so far, I think Versailles must be spectacular this time of year, especially at night.

  7. magnifique, l'éclairage sur les colonnes

  8. Not much of a church to be seen in the dark, more like a temple and the lights add something to that.

  9. Welcome back!!

    Love the simplicity of the lights. MB

  10. Very tasteful, indeed.

  11. As VP noted, the building is not a "typical" church building but more "temple-like," so the lights really do add to its attractiveness and its "churchiness." I think I should like to see it in person.

  12. Outstanding columns with all beautiful lights!
    Thanks a lot for sharing!

  13. C'est une église, ce pourrait être un temple grec ou plutôt une boîte au couvercle doré de bons chocolats (ou de petits champis au pied en choco blanc) pour noël


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