Saturday 5 December 2009

Exposition Louis XIV

For those of you who are interested, the palace is hosting an exhibition on Louis the 14th until Feb. 7, 2010. As of yet, I've not had enough time to go. Or enough courage to brave the crowds!
Pour ceux qui seraient intéressés, une expo sur Louis XIV se tient au château jusqu'au 7 février 2010. Pour l'instant, je n'ai eu ni le temps, ni le courage d'y aller affronter la foule.


  1. I think that would be fascinating especially the l'homme part. He was just a man, but what kind? Unfortunately, no plane tickets to Paris in hand. We do think we'll make it to Ireland next summer, though.

  2. Interesting, but not the best season to visit...

  3. Quite a royal man... :)
    God bless you!

  4. What you need to do is go as part of a tour group -- they get in first as we found out at the Palais!


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