Wednesday 7 October 2009

Wednesday Doorway: la Banque de France

I'm not sure how Wednesday Doorway started, but I believe it was created by Clueless in Boston. Since there are
so many nice doorways in Versailles, I have decided to start a doorway series, let's see where it takes us. This is the main door of the Versailles branch of the Banque de France, what's left of the French central bank (there are no more central banks in the Euro zone, just the ECB). I have been incapable of finding any historical details about this beautiful classical building located on the queen's boulevard. Update: as Clueless in Boston pointed out, WD was actually started by Isadora of Budapest Daily Photo.
Je ne sais pas exactement qui a commencé les Portes du Mercredi, mais je crois que c'est Clueless in Boston. Comme il y a quelques beaux portails et portes à Versailles, j'ai décidé de commencer une série, on verra où elle nous emmène. Voici la succursale de Versailles de la Banque de France. Je n'ai pas trouvé de détails sur l'histoire de ce qui a pourtant du être un hôtel particulier, situé boulevard de la reine. Mise à jour : comme me l'a fait remarquer Clueless in Boston, la série du mercredi a en fait été lancée par Isadora de Budapest Daily Photo.


  1. That's a bank? It looks like a mansion for the elite. And what a doorway. Imposingly impressive!

    I'd say something funny, but I can't compete with you today!

  2. You have so many beautiful and historic buildings, I guess this is just "another one" - not important enough to know the history of! :) I love that it has a lawn and trees in front. I can't think of a bank building that looks so nice.

  3. Very nice. I like doorways and I look forward to seeing more of your photos.

  4. Is only the Bank of England left in this category? The door is grand but I wonder if there is any activity inside at all. I did some business with the Bank of China when we were away last month. Business is booming there.

  5. Beautiful doorway and great idea for a series in Versailles! We all look forward to more doorways.

    Thank you for giving me credit for coming up with the Wednesday doorway theme, but that honor actually belongs to Isadora of Budapest Daily Photo. Unfortunately her site is now only updated occasionally, but she showed some wonderful doorways from Budapest.

  6. It's a beautiful bank. I would want my money to reside there! lol

  7. c'est bien tu as commencé le repérage pour le hold up ;o)) maintenant ACTION...

  8. Nice building, perfect to start a doorway series. I won't say that Central Banks are no more, they probably only reduced their branches, like here.

  9. Cette porte est remarquable en fer forger en plus la façon de la photographie et très ludique.

  10. This doorway is traditional and elegant!
    Beautiful pictures!

  11. You know I love a good French door. Bring on more! Yes, the French banks have some pretty nice digs. This one included. Glad you've started this series.

  12. I'd love to see a Doorway series.
    Banks in the Seattle area used to be such mansions too. Not anymore though. Love the door. MB

  13. That's a fancy door. Is it actually a grate made of iron to keep burglars out? The grounds around the bank are mighty fine!

  14. Tu commences en beaute cette serie!

  15. @VP: I meant they didn't act for national currencies anymore.
    @ Clueless: thanks.

  16. @ Bob: I believe all European states outside the Euro zone still have their central banks.

  17. Tes portes changent carrement des portes de banque ici ! Tu as ma vote pour continuer avec la serie.

  18. doorways
    thresholds to what lay before and beyond are often a wonderful place

  19. belle porte mais reste ti des sous dans le coffre ?

  20. Il n'y a plus guère que les banques qui peuvent se domicilier dans de tels hotels particuliers. Il faut bien une contribution nationale pour les aider à conserver leur train de vie...
    Encore heureux qu'ils n'aient pas fait un affreux sas à la place de cette belle porte.

  21. At one of the shops here, there is a poster of doors in Nantucket. It makes for a colorful poster. I'm looking forward to seeing the doors you capture.



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