Monday 26 October 2009

Le samedi après-midi à la fête foraine

Saturday afternoon at the fair. For those who like this kind of thing, it seemed like fun. I'm not into fairs like these, yet I had a ball taking the photos!
Samedi à la fête foraine. Pour ceux qui aiment, ça avait l'air sympa. Moi, c'est pas trop mon truc, en revanche je me suis éclatée à prendre ces photos.


  1. Funny and colorful images. I am 'in' many things I don't like, simply for a good shot. Glad not to be alone in this 'sacrifice'!

  2. I can see why you're not into fairs like these...they make you dizzy!

    I'm with you and VP - we photographers have to suffer so many indignities for our craft. But we do so sacrificially yet without whining because we know the result is worth the effort.

    Kudos to you, my friend Ciel, for sticking it out and providing us with these colorful, if dizzying, images!

    And have a good week!

  3. Des images interessantes a prendre dans une fete foraine et tu as tres bien reussi.

  4. That top picture is spectacular - love the top and bottom yellow bands and the perfect shutter speed.

  5. Great shots. This is something that is very much like our fairs here. Great shots, bravo!!!

  6. wow, awesome first photo. your composition and execution of it was perfect. well done. I have never been to a fair to photograph it and you have inspired me to try one day

  7. I understand as I spend a good portion of my day at the Fair taking photos too! I might never do it if I had to pay to develop photos like years back before the digital age.

  8. Great shots, but now I'm dizzy. :)

  9. I love that whirling image of yours. I understand though about fairs. Sometimes it feels like dumb entertainment but with the right mood and the right people they can be fun. Re: hiking and animals. More concern is with stepping on a rattlesnake. Big cats are shy and not common and I would never carry a gun. Re gardens. I enjoyed the Jardin des Plantes a lot. Thanks for your continuous kindness.

  10. Ah, really teriffic - the colors, the motion, the fun!!! I can hear the delighted children and the music...

  11. You really put the spin on. that is very clever. MB

  12. I'm getting dizzy just looking at your photos. Love the bright colors!

  13. I think they appeal more to kids.

  14. Your pictures did come out very well. I especially love the first one. Hope you had some good eats at least!

  15. People watching is always fun!

  16. Ah dis donc, tu as remarqué, elles sont floues tes deux photos surtout celle du haut (elle est gaie et chouette), tu as tourné autour très vite pour les prendre ?
    A Pontoise la foire débute aux alentours de la St Martin (11 novembre), on y mange du hareng avec les doigts et boit du ginglet (du vin d'ici) ; mais cette année on n'y sera pas, car nous aussi, parfois on s'en va....

  17. The colours are fabulous, my friend! Nice job capturing the excitement of the fair!

  18. @ all: thank you! I'll let you imagine the high pitched screams of the kids and teenagers as that 'train' sped past!

  19. Je suis comme toi je prefere le voir sur la terre ferme!!
    Tu t'es bien amusee et elles sont vraiment reussies.

  20. mon manège à moi c'est .....

  21. Ton manège est beau comme un oollier de bonbons..
    Il nous manque que les cris et les rires des participants.

  22. Colourful and pretty cool shots! Well done!

  23. Oh, gosh, I don't have a strong stomach, such spinning things get me in trouble...
    God bless you!

  24. I like your take on these, Ciel - fun, colorful with a great feel for the dizzying rides.


  25. Love the motion in these photos!


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