Friday 2 October 2009

"Au chien qui fume"

Though I have never (yet) eaten at this restaurant, I have always liked it! It is called "the smoking dog" and was founded in 1839. The website is this way! Sorry I didn't visit all the blogs I wanted to yesterday, I had a very hectic evening.
Je n'ai encore jamais été "au chien qui fume", brasserie depuis 1839, mais j'aime bien le décor. Pour en savoir plus, ou se donner envie d'y aller, c'est par ici. Désolée de n'avoir pas visité plus de blogs hier mais j'ai eu un imprévu à gérer le soir.


  1. Funny name! Maybe it would work better in China? Looks like a nice place, though.

    Not to worry about visiting...I'm going to be out-of-pocket for a couple of days so I'm not sure how much time I'll have to visit, either...sounds like you had a rough day today!

  2. Great shots, I'd love to try out the food.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  3. wonderful shots of these colorful places. Maybe someday you will eat there. Hope your day is full of grace to make up for the hectic one!

  4. L'ambiance a l'air sympa meme si le nom n'est pas tres engageant.

  5. attention au règlement, j'espère qu'il ne fume pas dans le restaurant ;o)

  6. Beautiful restaurant and from the link photo, it looks like it is a fantastic place to spend dining there!

  7. Funny name for a restaurant, I maliciously thought the same of Jacob... On the corner of rue André Chénier and rue de la Paroisse, interesting address.

  8. What a clever name and the look is very nice indeed. I would certainly venture in for a meal.

  9. A very odd name for a restaurant. Hope the food is good.

  10. The Smoking Dog is an intriguing name. I'm picturing poodles with cigars hanging out of their mouths as they walk the streets of Versailles. ;-)

  11. I would love to try this place as well.

    Happy Friday!

  12. Depuis 1839? Then it must be good!
    God bless you!

  13. I like the looks of this place. The dog with the pipe in his mouth is classic. :)

    You can link a reflection post any day Friday to Sunday whenever you choose/remember. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Et bien moi j'ai mangé déjà au "Chien qui fume". Mais celui qui est près des Halles à Paris. Je n'en ai pas gardé un souvenir impérissable, il faut dire que je n'avais pas l'esprit aussi afffuté qu'aujourd'hui, ne bloggant pas encore...
    (Rue de la Paroisse ? Not so bad. J'habitais rue du Chapitre à Epinal, ça le vaut ?)

  15. What a wonderful-looking old place. Even though I don't like smoking, the dog is also quite wonderful on their web site! It looks great. Is it super expensive?

  16. It looks like such an inviting place. I'd be glad to be in there just to order a cafe. Thanks for your kind words always.

  17. Interesting name for a cafe. Let's try it. MB

  18. Now that's a very cool name! Also like the old signs.

  19. Marvelous! I love the painting on the door.



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