Saturday 12 September 2009

La Cour administrative d'appel

Versailles is the seat of many courts, amongst others of the administrative Court of appeals competent for appeals for the original jurisdictions of several departments west of Paris.
Versailles est siège de plusieurs tribunaux mais aussi de la Cour administrative d'appel, compétente pour connaître des litiges jugés par les tribunaux administratifs de Cergy-Pontoise et Versailles.

I am in away in Québec free from modern technology and VDP is on automatic mode. See you soon!
Je suis au Québec, affranchie de la technologie moderne. VDP est passé en mode auto. A bientôt !


  1. This doth appear a place of solemnity and judicial restraint. Huh? I'm not even sure what that means myself!

    Okay. It's a fine-looking building. I would imagine you're quite familiar with these premises?

  2. Vaut mieux ne pas avoir à rentrer dedans je pense ! Bon voyage au Quebec ...

  3. I agree with Owen, but if it was an old building I would like to see the inside too.

  4. Interesting how all administrative buidlings all seem to look the same, no matter the city or country.

  5. I bet everyone who works inside wears either a suit or an apron...

  6. Agree with bfarr, never thought about it before...
    God bless you!

  7. Ces sigles me rendent folle! :-)


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !