Sunday 16 August 2009

Retour au magasin du Potager du Roi

In June, I had taken you to the King's vegetable garden's shop but most of the organic produce had already been sold. Yesterday was quite another story. Here's what was on sale, and below, what I bought: rhubarb nectar made in Versailles, plums, peaches, basil, parsley and New-Zealand spinach, all produced here in Versailles. For all posts on the veg garden, click on the "Potager" label below.
Je vous avais emmenés au magasin du Potager du Roi en juin dernier mais un dimanche il ne restait pas grand chose. Hier, au contraire, le magasin était bien achalandé, tellement bien que voici ce que j'y ai acheté: du nectar de rhubarbe made in Versailles, des prunes, des pêches, du basilic, du persil et de la tétragone, ou épinard de Nouvelle-Zélande, le tout bio et produit au Potager. Pour voir plus de photos du potager, cliquez sur le tag "Potager" ci-dessous.


  1. Looks like the beginnings of a good lunch.

  2. Nice photos, the second one is so perfect that looks like an ad!

  3. I'd love one of those peaches right now!

  4. I'd like to shop there. Everything looks so fresh!

  5. I don't know if my comment went through, so I'm going to try can delete this one if it's a duplicate...

    Anyway, if that's for lunch, what will you have for supper?

    And I said I'm jealous because it all looks so good and we have a hard time getting fresh fruits and veggies here.

  6. Wonderful pictures! This food looks very healthy and good tasting.

  7. Wow, look at those colors and all that healthy food. Both photos are just great!

  8. Rhubarb nectar!! Something I've never even heard of. Sounds delicious.

  9. This must be tasty!
    God bless you!

  10. @Dina: I had never heard of rhubard nectar either and yes, it is delicious, though it's more like juice than nectar!

  11. Anonymous16/8/09 12:48

    You make me want to pack up my bags and move to the French countryside! In Greensboro, a new French restaurant opened. Very good food. The French part, for me, is the attention to detail. Special teas, great desserts like Peach Pavlova. Maybe I'll feature it on an upcoming snap. I've really enjoyed your lifestyle shots over the past few days. Purchase your food, stop by for a dessert, walk on the palace grounds, read a good book....... Ah, summer.

  12. Lovely displays and wonderful colours!

  13. Gorgeous shots! We especially loved the white peaches we bought in France . A little different from the ones grown just south of B'ham and featured on my blog today. Both are delicious!

  14. Is this market for locals or tourists? The 2nd picture does look mouthwatering. But, I have a question for you. We are lucky to have many such local farm markets. However, I often find that my eyes are bigger than my stomach and sometimes this wonderful produce ends up in my compost. I feel awful even admitting this.

  15. Je me demande ce qu'on fait avec ce nectar ??

  16. I didn't know there was a market of Versailles kitchen garden items.

  17. You and Virginia have a vegetable thing going today but in very different settings. Elegant and down-to-earth each has its merits.

  18. Great. I love the photos, I feel an atmosphere of some fair!

  19. @ Antjas: this isn't a market. The King's vegetable garden has been revived and can be visited by tourists and locals alike. I've seen some tourists but it's mainly French people. I wouldn't really know if most of them are from Versailles or not!
    @Bergson : en fait... c'est du jus de rhubarbe et c'est méga bon. Je ne connaissais pas avant hier !

  20. Rhubarb makes me laugh because it reminds me of my second day in Switzerland, my first day working in the monastery garden. The first French words I learned from the Sister were "fumier de cheval"! I was supposed to go bring a load and spread it under the rhubarb plants. :D

  21. Beautiful abundance of produce. I adore markets and I also always purchase more than can be consumed and some does wind up in the compost pile for the birds and other backyard creatures.
    I may have to spend a Sunday there and visit the market.

  22. Both yesterday's lighthouse pastry and todays fresh produce have my mouth watering. I have a small vegetable/herb garden and have just picked
    eggplant and basil, but I sure wish I had some of those peaches. Lovely photos.

  23. Lol @ Dina! When I was small, I fell into a heap of fumier! ;-)


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