Thursday 27 August 2009

Les Grandes Eaux Nocturnes IV : le bosquet de la salle de bal

Changing colours on cascading fountains in the "ballroom" thicket of the palace gardens, the last thicket to be inaugurated in 1685. No tripod = slightly blurred photos.
It seems there are a few "problems" in Thailand with authorities closing down internet accesses or blogs they deem "inappropriate" or "contrary to national security". One of my favourite blogs is affected. I cannot for the life of me see what's inappropriate on A.A.'s blog, if you can spare a few seconds, do check it out, he's got some amazingly beautiful photos there and could do with some encouragement. At the moment he can't upload photos and writes in French, so scroll down a little. "De l'autre côté de chez Siam" is this way. Thanks.
Les couleurs changeantes des fontaines en cascade du bosquet de la salle de bal, dernier bosquet inauguré en 1685. Pas de pied = des photos un chouilla floues. Il semblerait qu'il y ait un "peu" de répression internet en Thaïlande. L'un de mes blogs préférés fait partie de ceux qui sont affectés, quoique je n'y voie que de très belles photos et rien d'inapproprié. Si vous avez une seconde, jetez-y un oeil, je pense qu'A.A. apprécierait des encouragements. "De l'autre côté de chez Siam" c'est par ici. Merci d'avance.


  1. I am going to check the suggested blog now. Nice night shots in the without-a-tripod category!

  2. Beautiful colors in the fountains. I checked out the Thailand blog too! Beautiful photos there also.

  3. You are getting some super colors in these night shots! I did check out the Thai blog and left a comment. Didn't see a think that I thought was inappropriate by any measure.

    Sometimes people in authority feel they have to exercise said authority so they can fool themselves into thinking they are important.

    I've always maintained that real authority is earned, not assumed.

  4. Des fontaines aux differentes couleurs.
    Je vais regulierement sur le site "De l'autre côté de chez Siam" mais je vais voir si il y a du nouveau.

  5. Tripod of not, still very elegant. I did not know about the Thai blog. His work is very beautiful. I cannot understand why the government would object to it but, unfortunately, what we consider to be human rights are not taken so seriously there.

  6. More beautiful photos - keep them coming!

    I'm checking out the recommended blog now.

  7. I love the colors.. Pink and blue. I like them both and would hate to have to pick one. Beautiful photos..
    I will check out your friend's blog after this.

  8. Another beautiful fountain! going to go check the other blog now.

  9. superbe ces changements de lumières. Merci d'avoir signaler le site d'A.Alexandre.

  10. wow dear Ciel, what a beautiful fountain!Magnificent!

  11. Le dernier bosquet qui date de 1695 ? Même si tu disais du XVII cela ferait vraiment vieux pour un bosquet.
    Je galèje, j'ai le droit nous avons la chance d'être en démocratie, du temps de Louis XIV ce ne devait pas être la même chose. Qui a envoyé Fouquet au cachot après lui avoir piqué tous ses biens parcequ'il avait un château plus somptueux ?
    Tes fontaines qu'elles soient rose ou bleue me semblent débarquées tout droit de Bangkok.

    Désolée, c'est pas moi, c'est lui, le vérificateur de mots.

  12. These are great but I prefer less coloured lights like you have shown on the previous post. Those were gorgeous!
    Sorry to hear about internet control in Thailand! One more country to join the list! I can easily imagine how frustrated your blogger friend must feel. His blog is just great!

  13. Nice shots. One suggestion is to prop your camera on a handbag, backpack, whatever you have if you can find a railing or ledge or something. I've done all kinds of tricks to take the place of a tripod.

    Sorry about the blog issue in Thailand. I will go see it now. I have not visited it before. Seems like this is happening far too often!

  14. Thank you for your series on the 'night water' — they're all wonderful! My favorite was yesterday's. Just gorgeous.

  15. I have always loved fountains at night with the colored lights making the water so beautiful. MB

  16. I very much like the changing colours on the fountain.

    How interesting that a Thailand is limiting access. I guess the Internet is proving too be too powerful for a few insecure regimes.

  17. Anonymous27/8/09 19:43

    I love the colors!!!! wow!

  18. @ Virginia: Thanks for the tip, but not always possible!
    @ All: thanks for your support of "de l'autre côté de chez Siam". And thank you for your compliments about my blurred photos! ;-)

  19. Un sujet qui se prête à merveilles aux longues expositions. Et quelles belles couleurs! Superbe.

  20. Tripod or not, you captured the fountains beautifully.

  21. Merci beaucoup beaucoup je ne connais même pas ton nom pas grave, si un jour tu as la possibilité de venir ici ma porte est grande ouverte pour toi, mari copain enfant il y a de la place. Alain Alexandre femme de Versailles.


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