Wednesday 24 June 2009

Fontaine de contraste

I wonder what happened here! Is it modern art?
For those who haven't yet heard that CDP blogger A. is missing in Tehran, please visit wonderful Oeiras Daily Photo.
Je me demande ce qui s'est passé ici ! C'est de l'art moderne ?
Pour ceux qui n'auraient pas encore su la disparition du blogueur A. à Téhéran, faites un tour sur le superbe site Oeiras Daily Photo.


  1. What actually happened is that a frustrated artist who is an electrician pulled all of his wires and put them together to create a visual protest of the conditions under which he is forced to work.

    He's hoping someone in the community will recognize his genius and become his benefactor so that he devote his full time and attention to creating other such magnificent pieces.

    Unfortunately, he forgot to unplug one of the wires and all his dreams shorted out.

    So did he!

    Love the photo, Ciel!

  2. Interesting 'water fountain'? It looks like it made with electrical cables. Very colorful.

  3. This is a strong contrast, old and new. It looks refreshing!

  4. Not much to add to Jacob's brilliant interpretation. Clearly a case of humid connectivity among the globalized masses. Or something.

  5. I don't remember when, but this 'fountain' was, more aptly, in front of the Palais de Tokyo.

  6. j'aime bien , ce mélange ancien avec moderne, c'est original comme création.

  7. La disparition m'interpelle : le site a disparu. Parfois il arrive que l'on disparaisse puis réapparaisse sur un autre site / les aléas de la vie. En trois ans j'en ai vu déjà ; certaines disparitions sont plus inquiétantes que d'autres, comme celle ci dans un contexte politique particuliers et comme des blogs qui tout d'un coup cesse de publier même en France lorsque tu ne connais pas plus que cela l'auteur.

  8. effectivement c'est assez curieux ce mélange ... Je ne trouve pas que ça apporte grand chose, (bien au contraire) mais en tout cas, ça ne laisse pas indifférent.
    C'est peut etre ça l'art, mais dans un lieu comme versailles ... hummm

  9. Oh goodness. And against that magnificent building and gardens too! A little too much contrast for my taste.

  10. Interesting fountain but will it stand the test of time?

  11. Spooky and funny! I don't know in fact but I share the same feeling that Jacob so well described !
    Great work dear Ciel!
    Be always happy!
    Léia and little Luna(from Brazil)

  12. Very funny fountain. What a clever idea!

    Thanks for the news on the blogger in Iran.


  13. des scoubidous géants dans la fontaine ancienne j'aime assez.
    je suis allée sur le site et bien sûr le bloggeur en question est en prison. Il faut toujours rester vigilants pour sauvegarder notre liberté.

  14. I like this - modern and old style:)

  15. Unique! And colourful.

    Thank you for the heads up on CDP blogger Amir Sadegh.

  16. I looked at the large size picture - it's a sculptural fountain, for sure, but it's a jarring contrast. We get used to that, like, for example, the Centre Pompidou in the middle of the Marais.

  17. I'm going with Jacob's idea. That's amazing. Only in France would you have something that "weird" at Versailles!!ha

    We all share your concern about our friend in Tehran, so very frightening. Thanks for noting it on your blog.

  18. Rigolo....Un peu d'humour dans tout ce classicisme ne fait pas de mal.
    Le blog est fermé, j'espère que cela n'a rien à voir avec une quelconque censure, face à l'afflux des visisteurs étrangers.

  19. I think someone was playing a joke, or else the groundskeeper is smoking some weird stuff:)

  20. Ooh, a colored spaghetti fountain!

  21. This looks out of place. It should be in Paris in front of that modern center that looks like a sewage plant, I forget the name!


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