Tuesday 12 May 2009

L'escalier monumental de l'hôtel de ville

After yesterday's outside view of Versailles Town Hall, here's an inside view of the great staircase. You will no doubt have noticed how chaste one is here...
Après la vue extérieure de l'hôtel de ville, voici un détail de l'escalier à l'intérieur. Vous noterez la chasteté...


  1. Ah, that's a relief. After all, this is a family show! ;)

  2. un bel ange comme gardien de cet immense escalier

  3. What a wonderful staircase. Hard to believe such "chasteness" happens in France. Another super photo, Ciel!

  4. Gorgeous photo, I really hope that one day I'll get to see it in person! Thank you for sharing.

  5. I liked the "harp"! Beautiful composition!

  6. Chaste only begins to describe it.

  7. Absolutely gorgeous staircase railing. Great pic.

  8. Yes, very modest. An uplifting subject as you mount the stairs but also puzzling. What is that flowing mass of stone between the angel's arms and under his chin?

  9. Magnificent. I love the iron railing and marble stairs. It is absolutely stunning.

  10. The way you have shot the staircase is lovely!

  11. gorgeous staircase. i love the angle and elegance. Thanks for all of your comments and I am glad your enjoying the cactus flowers and Chihuly! Sorry for my delay in responding. Unfortunately work is getting in my way. I will have a nightscapes series during the next week. I used tips from my night photography class.

  12. So chaste, our little old Catholic ladies will go into conniptions if they see this! :)

    Marvelous balustrade and lovely sculpture.

  13. Accueillis en musique.
    Une tête d'ange sur un corps d'homme. Pourquoi pas ! (Je trouve toutefois que les proportions ne sont pas respectées)

  14. C'est là que mes parents se sont mariés !

  15. Very grand! the curve of the staircase is so beautiful and the statue seems in motion. Excellent photography.

  16. L'ange accompagne t il les mariés en musique ?

  17. Fig leaves seem to be the norm. A grand staircase, magnificent details.

  18. j'ai ma reponse avec Dusty Lens..
    Je me disais bien que cela ne ressemblait pas a une feuille de vigne!!!

  19. C'est drôle la feuille ! Pensent-t-ils vraiment qu’on ne sait pas ce qu’elle cache ? :)

    D'âpres ton nom, j'imagine que tu viens de Quimper. Connais-tu Edern ? J'avais de la famille là-bas et je connais la région assez bien. J'étais longtemps à Rennes aussi. C'est super jolie la Bretagne, mais les Yvelines sont beaux aussi.

  20. What an elegant staircase for a townhall. Impressive.

  21. I'd have to agree with everyone else here.


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