Friday 15 May 2009

Domaine de Madame Elisabeth, part II

This old tower stands in the grounds. I don't know what its purpose was, but I like it! Oh, and no of course, this isn't Pisa, it isn't leaning: my camera had an urge to turn!
Cette tour se trouve dans le domaine. Je ne connais pas sa raison d'être mais je l'aime bien ! Non, ce n'est pas Pise, c'est juste mon appareil qui a eu envie de se tourner !


  1. well :-) I liked a lot this angle! So...please thank your camera for me!

  2. The angle makes you look at the photo more carefully. I like the green hair on the top of this tower!

  3. Very pretty, Ciel! And I'll give you credit for getting that shot while you were falling down!

  4. il faut laisser vivres les APN ;o)) moi j'aime bien cet angle, cela donne une bonne vue sur cette tour

  5. What a lovely spot and very cool Pisa inspiration! :-) Your previous shot is wonderful!

  6. Careful! Photography can be hazardous to your health.

  7. lorsque l'APN penche comme ça c'est que le photographe a envie de de se rapprocher de la pelouse pour une sieste
    Bon week end

  8. Makes a striking picture.

  9. It looks like from a fairy-tale (about princess which was imprisoned in a tower:))

  10. @Jacob: how did you guess? :-)
    @m-m: yes! I hadn't thought of that!
    @Bergson : tu ne crois pas si bien dire !
    @That is the chicken: lol!

  11. That is so neat that you turned your camera -- gives one a different perspective on it! I enjoyed it because it made it unique. It was probably an entrance stairwell -- circular stairs -- because I don't see windows in it to be a lookout tower. . . but what do I know for sure????

  12. I like it, too. And I like it at an angle. :) I wonder what it was for? Garden tools storage? A playhouse for kids?

  13. elle me fait voyager... j'aime beaucoup toute cette série


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