Monday 16 February 2009

Orangerie du Domaine de Madame Elisabeth

Yesterday I went for a stroll at Madame Elisabeth's Orangerie, so called because the large estate was bought by king Louis the 16th as a gift for his sister, Elisabeth. Fully restored, the building has become a tiny exhibition centre. Currently exhibited in partnership with Montréal's Contemporary Art Museum until the 22nd are drawings of several Canadian artists like Albert Dumouchel, Betty Goodwin and Sylvia Safdie. Photos inside incidentally weren't allowed. Oh, and guess what? The park was closed.
Hier je suis allée me promener au Domaine de Madame Elisabeth, cadeau de Louis XVI à sa soeur Elisabeth. Entièrement restaurée, l'Orangerie est devenue un petit centre d'expositions où se tient actuellement et jusqu'au 22, "sur papier ou presque", une collection de dessins canadiens en partenariat avec le Musée d'Art contemporain de Montréal. Les photos à l'intérieur ne sont pas autorisées et devinez quoi ? Le parc était fermé.


  1. elle me fait penser à la faisanderie de senart. les sculptures devant sont surprenantes

  2. It is a lovely building with the yard decorations. When I was in Paris a few years ago, most of the gardens were closed.....go figure.

  3. Beautiful photo, a little bit abstract. Amazing capture. It looks some like a modern painting:) Simply great!

  4. Anonymous16/2/09 22:20

    That looks like a very pretty place!

  5. I bet there are some great art inside. Too bad you couldn't take photos but I understand why. ;-)

  6. The Louis's were great gift-givers...lucky were the relatives...well, except for Antoinette...

    Very nice photo, Cielde. Sorry it was closed. That happens to me all the time, too.

  7. Beautiful composition. C'est vraiment tres beau ce jardin et la maison aussi

  8. I rather like the combination of the modern sculptures with the old building. The sculpted hedges tie them in very well.

  9. Ce domaine est-il propriété de l'État ou bien d'une personne privée ?

    J'admets très mal les interdictions de photographier... Je ne supporte que les interdictions de flash !

  10. @Avignon : propriété du Conseil Général des Yvelines il me semble.


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