Thursday 12 February 2009

Chandelier in Saint Louis Cathedral

I was strolling around the cathedral and liked what I saw when I looked up!
Je déambulais le nez en l'air dans la cathédrale, lorsque...


  1. And very effective too! A decided three dimensional sensation from the lovely starburst against the brick pattern.

  2. angle de vue original pour nous faire voir ce chandelier. Attention en dessous ;o)

  3. Oui, j'espère qu'il est bien accroché! Je me suis demandé ce que c'était quand la photo est apparue!

  4. Great photo! I like your composition!

  5. Oui moi aussi au premier coup d'oeil j'ai eu du mal a voir ce que c'était...
    Tu pourrais nous faire voir d'autres photo de l'intérieur ?

  6. très joli ouvragé...

  7. I like your placement of the lighting fixture in the picture. It almost looks like many flying birds attached to the fixture.

  8. Comme des oiseaux qui tournent autour de ta tete!!

  9. Nice photo. Looks a little scary, though. You're quite brave to stand underneath to snap a shot.

  10. A beautiful chandlier. I quite fancy it for my lounge. Although I think it would probably fill the entire room!

  11. I agree with an earlier comment - its a striking picture that looks as if birds are flying in a circle. Plus, the coloring is nice, a color photo that is almost in black and white.


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